A survey of parents by the Center to Prevent Lost Children showed that 90 percent of families will experience losing a child in a public place at least once.
Fireworks are a prevalent and exciting way to celebrate major holidays, but they can also be dangerous if not used correctly. Allied Universal has compiled a list of items to consider when using fireworks during your festivities. Stay safe and have fun!
Think about what winds up in your mailbox—checks from employers, mutual funds, insurance companies and government benefits programs; statements from banks, credit unions, and credit card companies; a box of new bank checks and outgoing checks to pay bills;
When you make your New Year’s resolutions, will personal safety considerations play a role? Daily work-outs and healthier fare may top your resolution list, but the vows
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, walking is 36 times more dangerous than driving, and 300 times more dangerous than flying. In 2008, 69,000 pedestrians
The old prescription bottle stowed away at the back of your medicine cabinet may seem like an innocuous concern, but its presence has serious consequences if mishandled.
Exposure to loud noises is one of the most common causes of hearing loss. How loud is too loud? If you are regularly exposed, for a minute or longer, to bulldozers,
Halloween can be scary, but in a fun and safe way. Dressing up in costumes, getting treats and carving pumpkins are all fun Halloween activities.
Purchasing a gift card might seem like an easy and simple solution for a last minute gift or a hard-to-buy-for relative. There is nothing to wrap, the size and color are always right and the convenience is unbeatable.
A flash mob describes a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place to perform an unusual act, such as a pillow fight or singing a song, and then disperse.
Emergency situations and disasters can take many forms. Hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes, car accidents and missing persons situations are not just the makings of television news stories.
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are growing more and more popular in office buildings and public facilities where large groups of people gather. As more people learn about the benefits of AEDs,
For adults and children alike, common household supplies can be dangerous when ingested, inhaled or in contact with skin or eyes. Additionally, over-the-counter and
According to the U.S. Fire Administration, the United States has one of the highest fire death rates in the industrialized world. Each year, fire kills more Americans than all other natural
Epidemics effect and jeopardize all facets of social and family life. Rapid, rational response during a widespread illness or disaster may not only save your life, but also the lives of those you love at home.
Disasters such as fires, floods, explosions and civil disturbances can endanger employees, customers and the public. Your ability to react quickly and rationally
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a highly toxic and poisonous gas. It is colorless, odorless and tasteless so it is hard to detect. Since there are no warning signs
In many cases of home burglaries, thieves enter the house through a door or window that was left unlocked. The fact is, thieves are “lazy,” and many burglaries can be prevented
The job of some people (hackers) is to attempt to find out, or crack, your computer password to access your files and data. Once they obtain your password, they can do malicious things to the information stored in
The national "If You See Something, Say Something™" campaign was developed to raise public awareness of indicators of terrorism and terrorism-related crime, and to emphasize the importance of reporting suspicious activity to the proper authorities.