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Narrowing the Field of Security Providers

The request for proposal (RFP) process to select a security officer services provider helps an organization formalize the opportunity, effectively budget and identify quality providers. There are a number of key points to keep in mind to help you narrow the field.

Customer Focused Security Improves Residential Service

Security officers often serve as the first and last impression of a residential community, complex or building. It is important that residents, their families and their guests feel safe, secure and welcome. Security officers trained specifically for residential properties understand the need for a careful balance when developing and maintaining a secure, yet friendly atmosphere.

Emergency Preparedness: Who Will Support You in Your Time of Need?

The unpredictable nature of a crisis means organizations need a well-planned response when circumstances take a turn for the worse. Whether it’s a snow storm, a power outage, fire, act of terrorism, or protest, who will be there to step up and provide the support and leadership you need? There are many actions and protocols needed to guide you through an emergency. When the unexpected happens who will…

Contract Healthcare Security: Resolving Misconceptions

Healthcare leaders are under constant pressure to keep facilities safe while managing costs. To effectively deal with this challenge, more and more healthcare institutions are opting to outsource their physical security services. However, the path to a more cost-effective and value-added program with a contract security provider is often clouded by misunderstanding.

To develop a better coordinated approach to security and enhance staff satisfaction, there are some major myths that healthcare security leaders must debunk.

Evaluate Your Security Program to Guide Future Success

Choosing the right security provider is a decision that will significantly affect the safety of your organization. Properly evaluating and understanding your environment is key to finding a beneficial partnership. After reviewing a few key factors, you can successfully search for a quality and value-oriented partner that is dedicated to your security program.

ATM Skimming: What You Should Know

ATM "skimming” is an illegal activity that results in millions of dollars of theft annually from unsuspecting card holders worldwide. It is a two phase process in which criminals steal information from an ATM card’s magnetic strip and the associated Personal Identification (PIN) number. Though it is a common crime, a card holder who is aware of this danger and knows what signs to look for can protect himself and his wallet.

Data Centers: Specialized Security for Sensitive Settings

Data centers, whether self-owned and managed or operated by a third party, are built to be secure environments. But successful daily operations require the attentive eye of well-trained, experienced security teams to help ensure that data is secure and employees are safe. This sensitive environment requires a specialized security team.

Security Industry Imperative: Attracting the Best and Brightest

Hollywood has not been kind or accurate in its comedic portrayal of the security officer. Films such as Mall Cop and Observe and Report depict far more fiction than fact. In reality, security officers are diligent, highly trained men and women who act as first responders. Security officers have a wide range of training and skills and must be prepared to respond to everything from a fire or a medical emergency to a lost child or a power failure. They are often put in high-risk situations as they confront and detain criminals engaged in unlawful behavior.

Raising Standards: FBI Criminal Record Checks Are Vital to Public Safety & Trust

Recent high-profile media stories, such as CNN’s “Hired Guns”, have focused attention on our country’s patchwork of regulations governing the hiring and training of private security officers. While sensationalized, these stories spotlight a serious issue: Inadequate and inconsistent regulatory standards can open the door for the hiring of armed and unarmed security officers who are ill-trained and unfit for their role. 

Workplace Safety Success Requires Leadership Support

Businesses spend $170 billion annually on costs associated with occupational injuries and illnesses, which are expenditures that come straight out of corporate profits. Workplaces that have established safety and security cultures can reduce their injury and illness costs by 20 to 40%. Even more important than cost is the fundamental need to protect employees. Employee well-being as well as employee retention and brand protection are tied to workplace safety.