Making a best man speech can be daunting - you're supposed be a stand-up comedian and a sincere best friend, you need to be the comic relief after all the tear-jerkers, but you don't want to insult of offend - it's a bit of a balancing act. So to help you navigate making a great best man (or woman) speech, we've rounded up 13 handy tips to get you on your way!
Make a Great Best Man Speech
1. Make Eye Contact
Looking up is the single most important piece of advice we can give you! There is nothing worse than a best man speech where the speaker is glued to his notes. No matter how tear-jerking or hilarious your speech is, your words will be lost if you don't make eye contact and speak to the room! Try to have bullet points rather than a full speech in front of you, so you're not tempted to keep looking down.
2. It Doesn't Need to be Laugh a Minute
Of course funny best man speeches go down a storm, but if stand-up isn't your forte, don't force it! Crack a joke near the start of your speech (we have some suggestions right here!) and select a few favourite anecdotes - everyone will prefer a speech that's relaxed, sincere, and even emotional, than one full of awkward jokes with a nervous delivery.
3. Don't Be Drunk
We probably don't need to say this, but just in case! Go easy on the bubbly at the the drinks reception, ya hear!
4. Use Paper Rather Than a Phone
A small bug-bear of ours, but we see lots of people reading speeches, and even vows, from phones and tablets. There's something about it that seems a little under-prepared - if you can, bring your speech on paper, it'll look like you've put more thought into it, and not just finished it in the car en route to the ceremony!
5. Practice Makes Perfect
Try your speech out a few times in front of the mirror. You'd be surprised how different it might sound out loud - a rehearsed wedding speech will flow better and you'll be less likely to stumble over your words.
6. Time Yourself
As you're practicing and reading your speech aloud, set a timer to check how long it is. You'll be very surprised that what looks short on paper can actually rack up the minutes, especially if you're just planning on using bullet points. So tighten and edit where needed. Nobody wants to listen to anyone speak for half an hour, no matter how entertaining you are, especially when it's holding up the dinner or dancing.
7. Know Your Audience
We love hearing about a groom's college high jinks or embarrassing stories from the stag, but keep in mind that his parents, new in-laws, extended family, maybe even his boss, are all in the room. You also don't want to go upsetting his other half with tales of former flings. And while a little slagging is par for the course, it's not a roast. Sharing your love for your best pal will be far more endearing than listing off all the times he was sick in the back of a taxi!
8. Lay Off the In-Jokes
You may have known your groom since your first day of Junior Infants, but avoid jokes that will only make sense to a handful of guests.
9. Read the Room
You'll need to think on your feet with this one, but if the speeches are dragging on, or if a particular story isn't landing, nip it in the bud and move on. Easier said than done of course, but there's nothing more likely to kill a party vibe at a wedding than an awkward joke or anecdote that's going nowhere - so if everyone starts looking at their feet, it's time to wrap things up!
10. Don't Insult Anyone
Again this probably goes without saying, but any jokes about the couple, their parents, or any guests that might be construed as an insult, get an immediate veto. Likewise veer away from money, sex, politics, or religion.
11. Watch Your Nerves
You might be absolutely terrified at the thought of giving a speech. Take a moment. There's nothing wrong with taking a few deep breaths to gather yourself with the mic in hand before you start to talk. Once you ease into it, you'll be fine, remember to speak slowly, and keep some water nearby and take a sip whenever you need to catch a breath - politicians do it all the time!
12. Don't Forget the Obligatory Mentions
You're in charge of well-wishes from anyone who couldn't make it, making a comment on how lovely everyone looks and thanking the bridal party for all their help. Keep a special shout-out for your groom's new wife or husband too.
13. Have an Exit Strategy
The best man speech is often the closer - a sign that the formalities of the day are finished and it's time to hit the dancefloor. Have a clear-cut finish that ends your speech on a high. Something like, "Here's to an incredible night ahead, and an epic life together for X and Y - let's all stand and raise our glasses for one last toast, to X and Y" should do the trick!
Liven up your best man speech speech with these great opening lines or how about some wise (and hilarious) marriage advice!